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Outstanding debt is a crucial factor in determining your creditworthiness. As your debt piles up, availing of new loans or credit cards becomes difficult. When a financial institution receives your credit application, it reviews your credit report. This document includes a record of your credit history as well as defaults. As such, any unpaid debts …
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Knowing the features of term deposit vs fixed deposit can give you valuable insights and help you make the right investment. Both these options have some common features, like: However, there are some differences between them like lock-in periods, interest rates and others. Knowing the difference between FD and term deposit is crucial to investing …
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Credit cards require you to make timely payments to avoid interest charges and you can simplify your life using a credit card bill payment app. A user-friendly app makes the whole process of paying bills convenient and quick. This way, you don’t have to visit your credit card provider’s branch or miss due dates. Such …
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A loan against a fixed deposit is an optimal solution to continue your investment while managing your financial needs. Some deposits allow premature withdrawal with a specific penalty amount. This gives you access to your investment in case of emergency. However, withdrawing before completing your maturity period can cause a loss in returns. A better …
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Two forms of fixed deposits provide you with a secure way to grow your savings, i.e., callable and non-callable FDs. When you open a fixed deposit account, it comes with a specific: Usually, your funds remain locked in for this tenure so you can earn at the specified rate. However, to give you an option …
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A credit score is one of the most reliable financial indicators that can assess an individual’s creditworthiness. The Equifax ePORT portal helps lenders, like NBFCs and banks, access any individual’s credit data. It also provides borrowers’ credit histories. It is an online one-stop portal with vast access to individual credit data. This portal contributes to …
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Under section 194A of the Income Tax Act, financial institutions deduct TDS on interest if it exceeds ₹40,000 in a year. This limit for senior citizens is ₹50,000. If you rely on this income to manage these expenses, then you should definitely know about 15G and 15H forms. This is a self-declaration form submitted at …
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Paytm Postpaid is an easy option to get instant access to credit. It provides you the convenience of buying now and paying later when paying bills, financing travel expenses, grocery shopping and more. This facility works like a credit card and gives you up to ₹60,000. It is important to note that it can impact …
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One might think getting a credit card for a low CIBIL score can be hard. However, certain financial institutions allow you to access credit cards even if you don’t have a perfect credit score. Through these products, you can also work on your credit score to upgrade your credit card in time. To know more …
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You can access your CRIF High Mark free credit report to ensure details of your credit history are accurate. This assures smooth access to credit cards and other forms of credit. Inaccuracies and errors in your credit report can hinder this process. These include: It is best practice to check your credit report occasionally to …
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