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From paying your electricity bill, booking flights online or shopping at your favourite clothing brand, a digital payment makes the process quicker and more convenient. Also known as electronic payments or e-payments, it helps you make payments online from your cards, mobile phone or PC. In these types of payments, the payer’s bank deducts the …
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The procedure of security lending and borrowing allows you to leverage your existing investment portfolio to unlock a wealth of new financial possibilities. Securities-based Lending (SBL) helps you amplify your returns and stay ahead of the curve in the stock market. To know why it could be the missing piece in your investment strategy for …
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Mutual fund loans allow you to leverage your assets to maximise returns and provide you with a strategic advantage. You can even unlock the potential of your mutual funds by taking a loan against them and then reinvesting those funds to compound your earnings. Seasoned investors often use this strategy to access cash to keep …
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Worried whether your CIBIL score reduces every time you check it or the lenders check it? It’s a common question since you may be keeping a tab on your score from time to time to assess your creditworthiness. Apart from you, banks, NBFCs and other financial institutions may also be running a check if you’re …
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When presented with a multitude of investment options, return on investment is a metric that can help you separate good bets from money pits. It allows you to evaluate potential ventures, predict profitability and mitigate risks. Knowing the formulas to calculate it helps you make informed decisions and ensure that you never miss out on …
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In India, there are a number of places to visit in monsoon which are popular among people of all ages. While some of these top locations are known for their scenic beauty, others attract travellers for their fun activities. Despite these places having numerous attractions for the family, you must choose the one that suits …
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While getting a credit card, one can think if they should get it or try something else, Maybe you cancelled a card in the past but now realise it was perfect for you. So, can you apply for the same credit card twice? The good news is – you can definitely apply again for the …
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Experts say it’s best to wait 6 months between new credit applications. This helps you avoid too much debt. But sometimes, it might make sense to apply for both together. So, what do you need to know about applying for a credit card and loan at the same time? Let’s find out! Applying for credit …
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A CIBIL score is a 3-digit number that ranges between 300-900, with 900 being the highest. This score is used by lenders and financial institutions to determine the creditworthiness of an individual before approving any loan or credit card application. A CIBIL score of -1 is not bad. It just means you don’t have a …
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Taking out a personal loan is a big financial decision for anyone. As a doctor, you may consider a personal loan to help cover major purchases or investments. A personal loan for doctor can provide access to lump sums of cash. These loans usually have lower interest rates than credit cards. But, they also come …
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