From tax-saving tips, ways to manage your loan to personal finance — this is the ultimate finance blog for all your queries.
Let us first say, we hope that you, your family & loved ones are healthy and are taking all the necessary precautions to continue staying safe. This is a challenging time for all of us and our hearts go out to everyone affected by wave two. This time, we have seen that a large number …
The type of AC Air conditioners are mainly available in two configurations, a window AC or a split AC. Both of them have certain pros and cons. While windows ACs are generally cheaper and easier to install, they can be very noisy. On the other hand, split ACs make less noise but are more expensive …
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Financial wellness has recently gained importance to build successful work teams. And for good reason. After all, financial stress harms both the professional and personal lives of your employees, and by extension the organization too. According to a report, financial stress results in a 34% increase in tardiness and absenteeism. Along with being stressed, employees …
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None of us are born as financial experts, but having some command over how to manage money is crucial for everyone’s lives. This pandemic has been further testament to this fact, and it has become crucial to learn everything you can about personal finance. In our opinion, personal finance books are an amazing place to …
Knowing how to negotiate for lower interest rates on loans enables you to get funding at a lower cost. It also helps you save money while providing some financial leeway. Financial institutions carefully analyse various factors while deciding the terms of your loan, including the rates. These factors include your: So, you need to work …
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Building your dream house is possibly the most anticipated as well as the most financially burdensome task you might undertake in your life. In recent times, with the COVID-19 lockdown, our homes became our office, our gym and essentially a safe sanctuary for all of us. Our home, as often said, is the extension of …
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Knowing how to earn credit card points and how to use them in the best way is crucial to boost your financial strength. Credit card points and rewards are the issuer’s way of “rewarding” your loyalty. Credit card issuers offer these rewards to build loyalty and cultivate good spending habits amongst cardholders. You can use …
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Retirement isn’t just about employees ending their careers at the respective organization, it’s more than that. The old guard exits the organization while new blood comes in. The vision of retirement involves much more than a simple goodbye. Many teams look exclusively at the financial aspects though, but this pandemic has taught everyone that efforts …
Continue reading “What can HR do to ensure successful retirements?”
The World Health Day is an annual global health awareness day sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other related organisations that takes place on April 7th every year. The World Health Organization (WHO) organised the First World Health Assembly in 1948. With impact from 1950, the Assembly declared the seventh of April to …
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Whether you are a young professional or a seasoned professional in the workforce for over a decade, entering into a new work environment is like stepping on a new planet. As you prepare your CV, learn new lingo, there is one more thing you need to check- credit history and credit score. Yes, your credit …
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