From tax-saving tips, ways to manage your loan to personal finance — this is the ultimate finance blog for all your queries.
Personal Loans are arguably the one-size-fits-all solution for all urgent and uncategorized needs for money. Unlike specified loans – like a home loan or an auto loan – these loans are usually unsecured, which essentially means that you can get them without any collateral and the money can be utilized for any purpose. The flexibility …
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The employer-employee relationship has come a long way in today’s time, having evolved from being merely a linear chain of command in the workplace to a dynamic and multi-faceted relationship transcending the boundaries of a workplace. In times where financial wellness and financial planning are an inalienable part of every individual’s life not just in …
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Compiled By: Balakrishnan NarayananAbout Bala: He is the head of analytics at Fibe, with over 15 years of extensive experience within the banking and finance industry. At Fibe he is responsible for building machine learning and analytical capabilities within the risk, marketing, and customer analytics. For Bala’s passion for solving complex business problems, in 2019, he …
Personal loans come with no end-use restriction, which means you can channel these funds for various purposes. You can use them to cover expenses relating to medical emergencies, travelling, weddings and so on. You can also buy home appliances using a personal loan. For instance, you can buy a refrigerator on EMI using the funds …
Continue reading “6 Expenses You Can Easily Finance With An *Instant Personal Loan*”
The idea of a satisfying shopping experience lies not in denying yourself of anything but in curbing the habit of impulsive spending. Many of us who use retail therapy to uplift our mood without thinking about money while shopping, later end up feeling guilty about ruined finances. Our emotions play a big role in our …
Continue reading “Impulsive shopping habits hurting your budget? Introducing Shopping Loans”
With our world turned upside down due to arguably the worst pandemic in history, all of us are struggling to keep going with our lives. The national lockdown has changed the way everything around us works, with a stunning proportion of organizations now looking to formally adopt a work-from-home structure for the long term. Life …
Continue reading “Remote Working Tips For Parents Working From Home During Covid-19”
If you have been following financial news anytime in the past couple of years, it is pretty evident that unsecured loans are gaining back some of the popularity they used to have in the yesteryears. The case used to be that the unsecured loans of those times lured people with low incomes to apply for …
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Compiled By: Anil SinhaAbout Anil: He is the Head of Engineering at Fibe, with over 15 years of experience, Anil is passionate about technology and has strong Leadership skills driven by core human values. He has worked on various techno-functional leadership roles with hands-on code and delivered complex products in the space of distributed data …
Continue reading “What Will Blockchain Do To The Credit Market?”
COVID 19 has caused extreme financial problems for even those with a steady income. The pangs of this pandemic have left no one, affecting all without discrimination of age, race, caste, gender, or social status. It certainly hasn’t differentiated between the rich and the poor, affecting everyone without mercy. While most of us are privileged …
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An unprecedented worldwide lockdown is a history in the making. Extremely rare events such as this are witnessed only once in a lifetime or two. Although this is a very difficult time, with the Indian lockdown being extended once already to 3rd May 2020 and on the verge of being extended again, it is time …
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