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As technology continues to change the corporate landscape rapidly, we witness the emergence of the latest trends in HR management and the recruitment landscape. An expanding gig economy, a demand for creative employees who can keep their skills updated and adapt to changes and a digitally savvy workforce are all driving an evolution of the …
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A financial wellness program is executed with the objective of educating employees at the ultimate goal of increasing their financial well being. This is supplemental to the standard employee benefits that goes beyond retirement planning and investing information. They help the employee feel financially secure, with a properly devised plan based on how and when …
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While pay equity as a concept is fairly old, its context has continued to evolve with time. Originally leveraged as a tool to combat the adverse impact of unequal pay between people of varying social classes and backgrounds, it is now the de facto term to address gender pay disparity. India has had a good …
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Over the course of my career, I’ve been witness to a rather rapid evolution of workplaces and work cultures. This change has been particularly prominent in its recent stages – with an influx of new-age professionals joining the workforce. As a result – we now experience noticeably different work practices, styles, and cultures. Of course, …
Continue reading “How To Promote Financial Wellness In An Unconventional Workplace”
American politician and businessman Gavin Newsom once expressed his thoughts on the uncertainty of life. He said, “I feel we are well prepared for a disaster… but the reality is you can never be prepared enough. Never.” In today’s time, it has become essential to have an in-depth understanding of financial wellness. The working class, …
Continue reading “For Gen Y, this is why taking instant loans is a better option”
A marriage is a grand celebration of love, and comes with its share of expenditure. With a personal loan though, you are free to plan the happiest day of your life. Marriage is a big deal in India. And with it comes the wedding event itself, and other ceremonies. You may be in a place …
Continue reading “Financially Ready For Marriage? Wedding Loans Are Here To Help”
Table of contents: Financial stability is a goal most adults work towards and wish to have. Although achieving it can seem intimidating, it is a reliable indicator of your ability to live life to the fullest. The need to feel financially secure and stable comes with adulting and is a commonly seen outlook in young adults of this …
Continue reading “9 Signs you are living a Financially Sound life”
Personal loans are generally ad hoc credit provisions from financial institutions when in dire need of money for a variety of expenses. They are often short term loans, which provide immediate respite in times of need. They require no collateral; all you have to do to get a personal loan is get approved by the …
Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Personal Loans May Get Rejected”
Life throws us plenty of surprises, or even shocks – such as job loss, sickness or death of a family member. The perturbations that originate can leave a lasting impact on the family. While these shocks may be dramatic, even small currents can pile up and push us off-course. Even seemingly small financial emergencies can …
Continue reading “We all need a Plan – B: Instant cash loans”
Organisations are constantly brimming with different groups of people. These may be their customers, the suppliers, or their trading partners. They often keep into account how their experience has been while associating with their organisation, say the customer experience. Companies take particular care about it and devise various strategies to keep them satisfied and engaged. …