When you use a credit card, the minimum amount due is one of the options that you will see in your card statement. If you are unable to clear your credit card bill in full due to budget restrictions or any other reason, paying the credit card minimum due amount is a smart option. Read …
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Today, credit card issuers allow you to generate a credit card PIN both online and offline conveniently. The PIN code for a credit card simply refers to the unique identification number that you need to set for your credit card. Whenever you make a transaction, the POS or payment gateway needs you to enter your …
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Knowing how to block credit cards is crucial. After all, unauthorised transactions can rake up your credit card bill, leading to additional charges if you don’t take any action. This can lead to a financial burden and can negatively impact your creditworthiness. Read on to learn how to block credit cards using different methods and …
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Opting for no-cost EMI on credit cards is a great way to finance big-ticket purchases without making a dent in your savings. Many credit card issuers offer this facility on select products, brands and more. Additionally, you can opt for this payment option on online and offline platforms. To know the no-cost EMI meaning, how …
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Regularly checking your credit card balance is a healthy financial habit as it indicates the amount you owe your credit card issuer. Regular balance tracking is the key to financial planning because it makes budgeting easier. It also helps you avoid late payment and interest charges as you can plan the payment in advance. Read …
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When you apply for a credit card with Axis Bank in partnership with Fibe, you can be a part of the new age innovation while enjoying a plethora of benefits. Thanks to fintech advancements, there are many revolutionary changes in the lending industry. Adding to the trend, Fibe and Axis Bank introduced India’s first numberless …
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Credit cards have become one of the best ways to transact and you can now utilise your cards through UPI apps. In June 2022, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allowed individuals to link their credit cards to make payments through UPI. However, this is only possible with RuPay credit cards like the all-new Fibe …
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When exploring how to get instant credit and enjoy cashless transactions, credit cards are one of the most popular options you may come across. Getting a credit card can be quick and easy and offers multiple rewards. The range of benefits of credit cards is amplified when you use them smartly. Read on to explore …
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Credit cards offer an excellent way to purchase daily essentials, electronics and more as well as address emergencies. Using them, you can boost your savings through rewards, discounts and cashback. However, credit cards are a credit facility and require you to make timely payments. Missing paying your bill by the due date, you not only …
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Knowing how to operate credit cards responsibly is crucial, as they come with high interest rates if you do not pay your bills on time. Credit cards provide a convenient way to finance your purchases and offer more benefits and rewards than a debit card. However, using them without clearing your outstanding balance can result …