Having an answer to the question, “What are emergency funds?”, is important for anyone looking to plan their finances effectively. Simply put, these are a source of funds that you dip into during emergencies and unexpected situations. Irrespective of how well you budget and save, these situations can cause financial instability. So, building such cash …
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The personal loan interest rate average varies depending on the lenders. However, generally, these rates are higher than secured and other credit options. There are several reasons for this disparity and understanding the reason for it will help you make informed decisions. So, read on to learn why a personal loan interest rate is high …
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Knowing the difference between pre-qualified and pre-approved loans is crucial, as both give you quick access to funds. Lenders provide these offers based on your creditworthiness and your previous relationship with them, if any. These offers expedite the approval process as lenders already have the required details, thus enabling quicker access to money. Read on …
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Is a personal loan a good or bad option to opt for? The simple answer is that it depends on your requirements. For instance, while it gives you the flexibility to use the funds without any restrictions, it can also come with higher interest rates. So, you must know all its pros and cons before …
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The digital personal loan is now an instrument you can access within seconds from your smartphone. Modern fintech solutions have made it so that you don’t need to worry about: Today, all you need is an offer from your preferred lender and you can get the funds you need in mere minutes. Read on to …
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Due to the impact of inflation on the cost of living, it is often referred to as a silent financial predator. This is because it causes the value of money to shrink over time as costs gradually increase for various goods and services. Simply put, you get less for your money, effectively reducing your spending …
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A professional loan and a personal loan are two of the most optimal ways to get an unsecured loan. If you want to start or expand your independent profession, then both options can help you arrange the funds. That said, both these options have unique features and requirements. Knowing them beforehand can help you make …
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The Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) facility is becoming increasingly popular as more and more e-commerce platforms, banks and retailers now offer it. Thanks to its easy and quick approval, a large number of borrowers can now access short-term credit instantly. To better understand what is Buy Now, Pay Later, how it works, its advantages …
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The reasons for personal loan requirements are many as there are no end-use restrictions on the funding you receive. As such, you can tackle several needs without any hassles or financial strain. Here are the top 8 instances where it can be an ideal option. When Should Take Out a Personal Loan? Know more about …
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When you buy a mobile on EMI, there are several options. Nowadays, mobile phones are not simply used for communication but as a lifestyle choice, with many high-end options available. However, paying for such devices in a lump sum can increase your financial liability. Therefore, you can opt for a mobile loan with affordable EMI …
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