Mutual fund loans allow you to leverage your assets to maximise returns and provide you with a strategic advantage. You can even unlock the potential of your mutual funds by taking a loan against them and then reinvesting those funds to compound your earnings. Seasoned investors often use this strategy to access cash to keep …
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Secured loans, like a loan against mutual funds, often have lower interest rates. Choosing this lending option has twin benefits. One, you get to enjoy the loan for your desired purpose. Second, your investments continue to accrue interest undisturbed. Considering these perks, you may wonder, ‘How can I get a loan against a mutual fund?’. …
In our financial space, we come to a state, where we have sufficient funds, and we wish to invest a chunk of it for future plans and goals. Two very popularly used media for investment are Fixed deposits and Mutual Funds. We will distinguish between the two after we define them properly. Fixed Deposits Here …