Know Axis Bank’s Fixed Deposit Rate for 2025

Reviewed by: Fibe Research Team

  • Updated on: 21 Feb 2025
  • Published on: 29 Aug 2023
Know Axis Bank’s Fixed Deposit Rate for 2025

Comparing the Axis Bank Fixed Deposit rates is one way to choose the best option for your lump sum deposit. You can get started with a minimum amount of ₹5,000 and enjoy attractive interest rates. This depends on several factors, such as:

  • Investment amount
  • Tenure of investment
  • Your age at the time of deposit 

Thus, it is crucial to know the latest rates before starting an investment. This will help ensure your investment grows as per your requirements. Read on to know the updated Axis Bank fixed deposit rate and the benefits of investing in them.

Interest Rates for Less Than ₹3 Crores Deposit 

The following are current Axis Bank FD rates for domestic deposits for regular and senior citizens.

TenureRegular Citizens (in % p.a.)Senior Citizens (in % p.a.)
7 days to 14 days3.003.50
15 days to 29 days3.003.50
30 days to 45 days3.504.00
46 days to 60 days4.254.75
61 days < 3 months4.505.00
3 months to 3 months 24 days4.755.25
3 months 25 days < 4 months4.755.25
4 months < 5 months4.755.25
5 months < 6 months4.755.25
6 months < 7 months5.756.25
7 months < 8 months5.756.25
8 months < 9 months5.756.25
9 months < 10 months6.006.50
10 months < 11 months6.006.50
11 months to 11 months 24 days6.006.50
11 months 25 days < 1 year6.006.50
1 year to 1 year 4 days6.707.20
1 year 5 days to 1 year 10 days6.707.20
1 year 11 days to 1 year 24 days6.707.20
1 year 25 days < 13 months6.707.20
13 months < 14 months6.707.20
14 months < 15 months6.707.20
15 months < 16 months7.107.60
16 months < 17 months7.107.60
17 months < 18 months7.107.60
18 Months < 2 years7.107.60
2 years < 30 months7.107.60
30 months < 3 years7.107.60
3 years < 5 years7.107.60
5 years to 10 years7.007.75

Also Check: Axis Bank Balance Enquiry Number

Interest Rates of Deposit Between ₹3 Crores and ₹5 Crores

Here are the Axis Bank fixed deposit rates for domestic deposits over ₹3 crores and less than ₹5 crores.

TenureRegular Citizens (in % p.a.)Senior Citizens (in % p.a.)
7 days to 14 days4.755.25
15 days to 29 days4.755.25
30 days to 45 days5.506.00
46 days to 60 days5.756.25
61 days < 3 months6.006.50
3 months to 3 months 24 days6.507.00
3 months 25 days < 4 months5.155.65
4 months < 5 months6.50 7.00
5 months < 6 months6.507.00
6 months < 7 months6.75 7.25
7 months < 8 months6.75 7.25
8 months < 9 months6.75 7.25
9 months < 10 months6.857.35
10 months < 11 months6.857.35
11 months to 11 months 24 days6.857.35
11 months 25 days < 1 year7.40 7.35
1 year to 1 year 4 days7.40 7.90
1 year 5 days to 1 year 10 days7.40 7.90
1 year 11 days to 1 year 24 days7.40 7.90
1 year 25 days < 13 months7.40 7.90
13 months < 14 months7.40 7.90
14 months < 15 months7.40 7.90
15 months < 16 months7.057.55
16 months < 17 months7.057.55
17 months < 18 months7.057.55
18 Months < 2 years7.057.55
2 years < 30 months7.007.50
30 months < 3 years7.007.50
3 years < 5 years7.007.50
5 years to 10 years7.007.75

To decide on the best investment tenure, you can calculate your potential returns with the given interest rate. To simplify the calculations, you can use the Axis Bank FD calculator. 

Also Check : Axis Bank Customer Care Number

Benefits of Investing in an Axis Bank FD

Apart from the attractive Axis Bank FD rates, here are some reasons to book a deposit with them:

Easy to Start

You can start on your investment journey conveniently with just ₹5,000 using the Axis Bank mobile app, net banking. Alternatively, you can visit the nearest bank branch and book an FD with a minimum deposit of ₹10,000. 

Choose Suitable Tenures

You can choose a flexible maturity timeline ranging between 7 days and 10 years that matches your investment goal. 

Get Periodic Income or Reinvest

With an Axis Bank FD, you can:

  • Reinvest to enjoy compound interest and opt for payout at maturity
  • Choose periodic payout and access funds at periodic intervals

Book a Digital Deposit Quickly

You can book a digital deposit with Axis Bank in just 7 minutes through video KYC without paying any penalty for premature withdrawals.

A few other pros of an Axis Bank FD include:

  • It offers a convenient facility to transfer funds from your savings account to book an FD and earn more
  • You can get higher returns compounding of interest on FDs with a wide range of tenure options
  • You can enjoy low or no premature withdrawal charges depending on when and how much you withdraw

As you start your investment, keep an eye on your current finances, too. If you need funds for the short term, you can rely on Fibe. With Fibe Instant Cash Loan, enjoy up to ₹5 lakhs with easy application and minimum documentation. 

You can use these funds without any restrictions and repay with a comfortable tenure of up to 36 months. This allows you to manage your emergency and planned expenses easily. Apply now by downloading our Personal Loan App or visiting our website now!   

FAQs on Axis Bank FD Rates in 2024

What is the FD rate of Axis Bank?

Currently, you can enjoy a maximum 7.75% per annum interest rate for regular and 7.90% for senior citizens. You can check the current rates on the bank’s official website.

What is the 7% interest rate at Axis Bank?

You can enjoy interest of 7% when you book a domestic deposit between 5-10 years for less than ₹3 crores.

What is the maximum FD amount at Axis Bank?

While there is no upper limit for investing in an Axis Bank Fixed Deposit, you can only deposit up to ₹1.99 crores digitally. 

Is Axis Bank a safe bank for fixed deposits?

Yes, it is generally considered safe for FD investment for the following reasons:

  • It is an established bank and enjoys an ICRA AAA (Stable) rating
  • The deposits are secured for up to ₹5 lacs as per DICGC guidelines

What are the fixed deposit interest rates of Axis Bank for ₹1 lac?

Here are some details of the Axis Bank fixed deposit rate:

  • The interest rate depends on the term you choose
  • It ranges between 3.00% and 7.75% for regular citizens
  • It starts from 4.75% and extends up to 7.90% for senior citizens

What are the Axis Bank FD rates in 2024?

Here are the details of the rates:

  • It starts from 3.00%, depending on the investment terms
  • It can extend up to 7.80% for deposits worth more than ₹500 crores

Can I cancel the Axis Bank FD at any time?

Yes, Axis Bank usually allows early withdrawal of fixed deposits. However, penalty charges or revised interest rates may apply. It’s best to check the exact terms and conditions for cancelling your fixed deposit.

Is Axis Bank good for FD?

Depending on your investment tenure, you can enjoy FD interest rates from 3.00% and 7.20% p.a. Additionally, senior citizens enjoy a 0.5% to 0.75% extra interest on their deposit. Thus, it is one of the best options for top banks in India.


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