How to Close Your FASTag Account and Retrieve Your Refund?

Reviewed by: Fibe Research Team

  • Published on: 6 Mar 2025
How to Close Your FASTag Account and Retrieve Your Refund?

FASTag makes highway toll payments quick and cashless, just like an online wallet—you recharge and use it as needed. 

If you need to deactivate your FASTag, it could be due to reasons like a lost tag, vehicle sale, or scrapping. You can close it online or offline via phone or email. Some issuers also offer a refund for the remaining balance by submitting a form or documents. 

​​​Reasons to Deactivate FASTag 

You may need to deactivate FASTag if you are about to sell your vehicle or if it is not worth repairing and old. This is necessary as a single FASTag applies to a specific vehicle.  

  • You may be looking to deactivate the FASTag if you are selling or transferring your vehicle to another buyer. It will help a new buyer put up their own FASTag and avoid the new user taking advantage of your personal and account details.  
  • If your FASTag is lost or damaged, you must add a new one while deactivating the current one. To avoid toll penalties and unauthorised use, deactivation is necessary if the FASTag is stolen. 
  • To avoid unwanted complexities in future, you have to deactivate the FASTag if your vehicle is going into scrap for being too old. If the deactivation is not followed, you may have to face toll penalties.  

​​​Steps to Deactivate FASTag Offline 

You can deactivate your current FASTag by calling the toll-free number or emailing the portal. The steps to follow for these methods are listed below. 

  1. Reach out to customer service of FASTag. You can call phone support on the toll-free number for your respective issuer or reach out through the FASTag helpline number 1033. You can also write an email to the team at 
  2. Provide all the necessary details related such as FASTag account number, registered mobile number, vehicle registration number, vehicle model and class.  
  3. As per the communication, list your reason for deactivating FASTag. You can mention any reasons listed above.  
  4. The executive will process our deactivation request. Soon you will receive a confirmation message after your account is deactivated.  

​​​Steps to Deactivate FASTag Online 

If you wish to complete the process for deactivation online, you can navigate to the online portal and complete the steps. If you are wondering how to close a FASTag account online, here are the steps.  

  1. Navigate to the official website of your FASTag issuer  
  2. Log in to your account using your credentials 
  3. Check out for the ‘service request’ or ‘close account’ option 
  4. Add some required information related to FASTag, vehicle and your personal information  
  1. Submit your request and wait for the confirmation message 

​​​Importance of Deactivating FASTag Before Selling Your Vehicle 

It is essential to deactivate the FASTag account before selling or scrapping your vehicle as per the regulations. This will avoid misuse of your personal and account information and allow a smooth transition between you and the buyer.  

  • If you are selling your vehicle to another user, deactivation will avoid unauthorised usage of your personal and account details. Failing to deactivate your FASTag may result in unexpected toll charges on your account. 
  • Deactivating while selling your FASTag makes sure that the new owner of the vehicle can associate their own FASTag. 
  • You may be liable for toll penalties and law violations if the new vehicle owner does not make toll payments. You as the registered FASTag and vehicle owner will have to face non-compliance and violation issues.   

​​​Refund Procedure 

After you deactivate your FASTag account, if there is some remaining balance, you can get it as a refund. To expect a refund after deactivation of your FASTag account, you can follow these steps: 

  1. Check your account balance before you opt to close your account. Through this, you will know how much refund you will get after a successful account closing.  
  2. While communicating with the FASTag team, follow the instructions to get a refund. You may also need to submit some documents for the same, depending on your FASTag issuer.  
  3. Depending on the FASTag issuer, the terms and policies for a refund might differ. At a maximum, it might take around 15 working days to process your refund and receive it in your account.  

You must d​​eactivate FASTag before selling your vehicle as it is a smart move to avoid any disputes down the road. It keeps your financial and personal information safe and ensures you get back any remaining balance as a refund.  

It also helps you stay compliant with regulations and prevents unwanted issues far ahead. By following the deactivation and refund steps properly, you will have a smooth deactivation process. However, keep in mind that the exact steps might vary depending on your FASTag issuer, so it is always a good idea to check their specific guidelines and terms. 

FAQs on Deactivating FASTag Account 

​​​Is it possible to temporarily deactivate the FASTag account? 

Yes. It is possible to temporarily deactivate the FASTag account. To do so, visit the online issuer portal or call the toll-free number to raise a request for the same.  

​​​What are the consequences of selling the car with an active FASTag account? 

If you sell the car to another owner with an active FASTag account, you may face unexpected toll charges in your account. This can also result in law violations and enable unauthorised information misuse. 

​​​Is it possible to deactivate the FASTag account online? 

Yes. You can deactivate the FASTag account online by visiting your FASTag issuer’s official website. Log in using your credentials and search for service request or account closure. Provide the required information and documents to confirm your request.  

​​​What happens if I close my FASTag account? 

After closing your FASTag account, you will be eligible for a refund in case of remaining balance in your account. Before closing the account, check for the remaining balance to get it back as a refund.  


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