Understand the Impact of GST on Personal Loans

  • Updated on: 18 Jul 2024
  • Published on: 29 May 2023
Understand the Impact of GST on Personal Loans

Do you need to pay GST on personal loan EMIs? The answer is no. However, it’s levied on processing fees and other charges. Being aware of these tax implications beforehand helps you manage your repayments without much hassle. This is because these charges can impact your borrowing costs significantly. 

As you may know, taking a personal loan allows you to finance a range of expenses without restrictions, such as:

  • Holidays
  • Weddings
  • Medical emergencies
  • Educational expenses
  • Home renovation

What are Personal Loan Processing Fees?

When you apply for a personal loan, the lender reviews your application and checks your eligibility. This requires an administrative procedure that comes at a cost. The personal loan processing fee you pay covers this cost.

It’s computed on the total loan amount and is deducted from the amount that the lender disburses. Usually, personal loan processing fees vary from 0.50% to 5% of the loan amount. 

For instance, on a ₹50,000 loan, with a 5% processing fee, you’ll pay ₹2,500 as your processing fee. 

What is GST on a Personal Loan?

With the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax in 2017, personal loans now have GST levied on them instead of the service tax. While there’s no GST on personal loan interest or EMI, the GST rate of 18% on loans applies to loan charges.

The impact of GST on personal loan charges is manageable, as it replaces a 15% service tax that was applicable earlier. For example, for a processing fee of ₹2,500, the GST of 18% comes to just ₹450. 

Also Read: What is GST? Taxes on Goods and Services

GST on Different Components of a Personal Loan

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to pay GST on the following personal loan terms: 

  • Interest
  • EMI
  • Principal amount

However, a GST of 18% is applicable on:

  • Processing fees
  • Prepayment charges

Pros & Cons of GST on Personal Loans

Here are some benefits of GST on personal loans:

  • The implementation of GST has made the borrowing process more simplified and transparent
  • GST offers uniform taxation rules as it has replaced various types of taxes and brought all of them under a single umbrella
  • GST can lead to potential savings by reducing interest charges and other expenses for borrowers

GST on personal loans comes with these limitations:

  • Shifting from service tax to the GST can create confusion and error in tax calculations
  • GST can increase the tax liability, and hence, the borrowing costs on non-public loans

On Fibe, you not only get Instant CashLoans of up to ₹5 lacs but also pay nominal processing fees of up to 2%. Download our Instant Loan App or log in to our website to enjoy simple and easy access to funds. 

FAQs on the Impact of GST on Personal Loans

How much does it cost to process a loan?

The processing fee varies with lenders and can go up to 5% of the loan amount. At Fibe, you pay a processing fee of up to 2% of your loan amount. 

Is the personal loan processing fee refundable?

No, it’s not refundable, as it covers the administrative costs of processing your application. Some lenders may:

  • Waive it off
  • Reduce the charges

How are loan processing fees calculated?

The processing fee is a percentage of your loan amount. So,

  • If you borrow ₹15,000 and the processing fee is 3%
  • The processing fee amount you pay is ₹450

Do personal loans have hidden fees?

Reputed lenders are transparent about all personal loan fees and charges. You may find hidden fees such as:

  • Personal loan processing fees
  • EMI bounce charges
  • Secure fees
  • Penalty fees
  • Prepayment fees

How can I reduce my processing fees?

The lender reduces it:

  • If you have a prior relationship with the loan provider
  • If you fall into a special category of applicants for whom the processing fees are reduced or waived
  • If the lender offers a personal loan with zero processing fees 
  • If you’re eligible for seasonal offers where lenders waive the processing fees

Is it possible to get a pre-approved loan with no processing fees?

Yes, sometimes lenders may offer it if you qualify for a pre-approved loan. 

How long does it take to get approval for a personal loan with no processing fee?

It depends on the lender and may vary from 5-10 minutes to up to 1 week. 

How do I avoid paying processing fees?

You can reduce the processing fees in these ways:

  • If you have a prior relationship with the lender
  • You can apply for a loan from lenders who offer loans with zero processing fees 
  • You can get seasonal offers where lenders waive the processing fees
  • If you fall into a special category of applicants for whom the processing fees are reduced or waived

Is the processing fee negotiable?

Yes, you can sometimes negotiate with the lender to reduce the processing fees. 

How can I qualify for a personal loan with a zero processing fee?

To qualify for a personal loan without any processing fee, apply with a lender offering this waiver and meet the eligibility terms, including:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Place of residence
  • Employment type

Is GST applicable on personal loans?

It is levied on:

  • Processing fees at the rate of 18%
  • Prepayment charges at the rate of 18%

It is not levied on:

  • EMI
  • Interest
  • Principal amount

Is a personal loan taxable under GST?

Yes, a personal loan is taxable under GST on:

  • Processing fees at the rate of 18%
  • Prepayment charges at the rate of 18%

What is the impact of GST on personal loans?

The impact of GST on a personal loan:

  • Earlier, a service tax of 15% was applicable on personal loan charges, such as processing fees and prepayment fees
  • Currently, there’s a GST of 18% GST levied

Consider an example:

  • Your loan amount is ₹15,000
  • The processing fee is 3%
  • Then, your processing fee is ₹450 and the GST is ₹81

Which loan is exempt from tax?

A home loan allows you to get tax deductions on both:

  • Principal repayment
  • Interest payment

However, this exemption only goes up to a specified limit. Other loans that also offer tax benefits on interest payments include:

  • Personal loans for education
  • Personal loans for home renovation
  • Personal loans for business-related expenses

Is there tax on the loan amount?

No, you don’t need to pay tax on the personal loan amount as it’s not considered income.


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