Recruitment Trends to Watch out for in 2024

  • Updated on: 8 Jul 2024
  • Published on: 29 Nov 2019
Recruitment Trends to Watch out for in 2024

As technology continues to change the corporate landscape rapidly, we witness the emergence of the latest trends in HR management and the recruitment landscape. An expanding gig economy, a demand for creative employees who can keep their skills updated and adapt to changes and a digitally savvy workforce are all driving an evolution of the recruitment system. 

Skills are in short supply, and the market for good talent is more competitive than ever. In such a situation, it is important to keep abreast of the recent trends in recruitment. Here’s what to watch out for in the coming year.

Candidate Experience

Even as unemployment rises, a parallel dearth of talent is also seen. A report by Deloitte predicted that the skills deficit, which was numbered at around 23 million in 2019, will grow to 29 million by 2030. 

This means genuinely talented job seekers have the upper hand in recruitment. Along with ensuring the applicant is the right fit for the job, recruiters also need to provide a great experience to candidates. 

Recruiters can use tech to make the process easier and offer a personal touch to candidates throughout their recruitment journey. They can also stand out by giving constructive feedback to candidates at each step rather than ‘ghosting’ them. 

Job seekers also consider how their work environment will be before they join. Hence, a ‘day in the life of an employee’ video, providing genuine behind-the-scenes glimpses about life in the company can also help enhance the candidate experience.

Flexible Work Schedules

In the increasingly competitive hiring market, recruiters must know what the candidates desire. While 9-5 jobs were the trend until a few years ago, job seekers now highly prioritise flexibility. In this post-COVID world, remote and flexible working has emerged as one of the latest trends in HR management.

According to a survey by the International Workplace Group, 80% of the respondents reported a higher preference for a job offer that came with flexibility. Further, 85% of businesses said that productivity increased with higher flexibility. 

Of course, flexibility depends on the job’s nature and is unsuitable for every kind of work. However, an offer of flexible work schedules whenever possible increases the chances of a candidate accepting the job offer.

Collaborative Recruiting

Building a business through networking and connections with current employees is a great way to bring quality talent to the organisation. An employee referral program that incentivises current employees to refer people they know for recruitment can benefit the employer and the employee. 

The highly competitive recruitment market calls for creative measures to cut hiring costs and get the best talent, and connections are far more viable and compelling than job boards in such a situation.

Employer Branding

To attract talent, employers must shape their brand reputation. One of the emerging trends in human resources is that job seekers now prefer to look up employers’ brands before applying. So, companies boasting a superior brand image are more likely to find perfect candidates. 

Unlike earlier, when all employees cared more about monetary incentives and perks, they now also look at culture, values and ethics alignment. The newer, more ‘woke’ generation prefers to work for organisations that have a positive impact on the world.  

Making your brand attractive would require more than just corporate marketing campaigns. People now expect more of a personal look at what to expect. Great employee reviews on Glassdoor and other social media sites, a professional website clearly stating the vision and mission of the company and an active social media presence are all important to building your organisation’s brand.

AI in Recruitment

One of the latest trends in HR management is the emerging use of Artificial Intelligence and other advanced technologies. AI has been portrayed equally as the answer to recruiters’ problems as well as the biggest challenge they would have to face. Of course, the reality lies somewhere in between. 

AI is being used to enhance the role of recruiters but not replace them entirely. Artificial Intelligence brings fewer biases to the candidate selection process than humans do, though it does not make completely unbiased decisions. 

Recruiters can leverage AI during the recruitment process to free recruiters from tedious manual processes like paperwork. Chatbots, which use AI technology, can engage candidates throughout their journey. 

AI would do the heavy lifting when it comes to screening candidates without bias and creating a seamless experience for them. Human recruiters would, of course, still be required for the parts that need creativity and intuition, like designing the recruiting process, interviewing the candidates, etc.

In an industry environment that is continuously changing, it is easy to worry about the uncertain future and the role technology will play in it. However, one thing is for sure – the role of human beings will not diminish, although it will change. 

The above trends show technology playing a supporting role in recruitment, rather than taking centre stage. This is because even as tools become more sophisticated and automation pervades every field, the end goal remains – to attract the right candidates by creating a great experience with a human touch. The target audience, after all, is human.

Knowing the emerging trends in human resources is crucial to giving your organisation a competitive edge in achieving its goals and hiring the right talents. If you are looking for instant credit solutions to help your employees get quick access to funds, you can opt for Fibe’s Salary Advance Loan

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FAQs on Recruitment Trends to Watch out for in 2020

What are the 5 main areas of HR?

Here’s a quick rundown of 5 critical areas of the Human Resource Management:

  • Recruitment and Onboarding
  • Compliance Management
  • Workforce Planning
  • Employee Engagement and Satisfaction
  • Training and Development

What are the 4 pillars of HR?

These pillars form the building blocks to manage a company’s workforce efficiently. Here they are:

  • Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
  • Talent Management
  • Performance Management
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance

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